Dr. Carol Houston, a resident of Corpus Christi for 40 years, graduated from local schools, raised a family and began her teacher/counselor career at Tom Browne, Haas, and Wynn Seale Junior High Schools.
She graduated from UT Austin (1968), Texas A&I, Corpus Christi (1974), University of Houston (1981) and a Clinical Psychology Internship at Nueces County MHMR (1982). She began her management career at NCMHMR (1982), American Biodyne Corporation (1989), Texas Department MHMR in Austin (1996) and Bexar County MHMR (2000). Dr. Houston, a licensed psychologist, opened a private solo practice in Corpus Christi (2005). Throughout her career as teacher, counselor, manager and therapist, she encouraged others to learn and achieve self- directed goals.
Upon retirement in 2019, she devotes her time to volunteer work, racewalking, strength training, reading topics on longevity, nutrition, spirituality and health/wellness. Currently, she serves on the Coastal Bend Food Bank Board (President, 2021-2022) and MHID Board.