Planning & Network Advisory Committee

The Planning & Network Advisory Committee provides advice to the Board of Trustees on planning, network development, and service priorities. Appointed by the Board of Trustees, 50% of the Committee is comprised of consumers and families.

Membership Application

Officers of the Committee shall be elected at the first regular meeting of the Committee each January and shall serve terms of one year.  Officers may be re-elected, but shall not serve in any one office for more than two consecutive terms.

To learn more, please read the PNAC Scope and Purpose. To apply, please complete and submit the PNAC application below. 

Advisory Committee Officer

Dr. Gilda E. Ramirez

Dr. Gilda E. Ramirez

Advisory Committee Members

Delia Garza

Delia Garza

Barbara Greses

Barbara Greses

Angela Horner

Angela Horner