Planning and Network Advisory Committee Scope and Purpose
1. Purpose:
a. One committee, the Planning and Network Advisory Committee (the “PNAC”), will be formed to serve as an Advisory Committee to the Center’s Board of Trustees on operational issues related to the development, design, management and evaluation of business administration functions and the Mental Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services provider network.
b. The PNAC will operate within a charge, membership, and set of policies and procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. A report of each PNAC meeting shall be presented to the Board of Trustees at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting after the PNAC meeting.
c. The intent of the PNAC is to assist the Board of Trustees in achieving fairness and objectivity by considering public input, ultimate cost benefit and value, and consumer choice in assembling, selecting and managing a network of providers.
d. The PNAC will submit recommendations to the Board of Trustees in the following areas.
- Provider selection criteria, as per Board policy
- Selection of network providers
- Evaluation of the level of access to culturally and linguistically competent providers within the provider network
- Evaluation of provider services and determination of whether to become a provider of a service or to contract that service to another organization or to expand the network of service providers.
- Recommendations made to the Board of Trustees related to planning, development, design, management and evaluation of the provider network and renewals of provider contracts.
e. The Board of Trustees must approve recommendations regarding the selection of providers in the network.
2. Planning and Network Advisory Committee Structure, Composition and Linkages.
a. The PNAC members will elect from their membership a chair to serve as presiding officer at meetings of the Committee. The members will also elect a vice-chair to serve in the absence of the chair at meetings. Officers of the Committee shall be elected at the first regular meeting of the Committee each January and shall serve terms of one year. Officers may be re-elected, but shall not serve in any one office for more than two consecutive terms.
b. The membership shall represent adult mental health, intellectual and developmental disability, children’s mental health, (representative of the Community Management Team/Community Resources Coordination Group)and include members from community agencies and community members with business and clinical practice skills. Efforts to reflect the ethnic diversity of Nueces County shall be made.
c. Committee members may not be current Center employees, members of the Center’s Board of Trustees, contractors or potential contractors of the Center, nor have a financial interest in a Committee recommendation.
d. Meetings of the PNAC are open to the public and will be announced and posted as required by law. Those wishing to address the PNAC are encouraged to schedule their presentation in advance of the meeting. As per Government Code Title 5, Subtitle A, Chapter 551, Subchapter D, closed meetings may be held if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the Center in third-party negotiations.